Message from the
General Manager
We are aware that the environmental urgency we live in is no longer compatible only with the recycling.
More needs to be done and this is a great challenge that awaits us.
You have to divide up that R as many times as necessary: R to Reduce consumption; to Rethink behaviour; to Refuse what we do not need; to Reuse whenever possible.
2021 was a year full of challenges and new developments. We remained motivated to do more and better and continued working to increase recycling rates for waste electrical equipment, batteries and packaging and thus contribute to a more circular future.
In 2021, Electrão was present in multiple media, from television to printed media, promoting its initiatives and achievements and contributing to raise awareness among the population about the importance of recycling the waste they produce.
Electrão promotes several awareness, communication and education campaigns for different audiences and different age groups. Through these campaigns we make the population aware of the need for more conscious consumption, we encourage the correct disposal of waste for recycling and we favour a social responsibility component, which allows us to give back to the community.
Now that you have seen what we did to raise awareness among the Portuguese and to collect more and better, we show you the other side of Electrão. Discover some of the actions and areas that define us as an Association, which are in our DNA.